Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Aelys Sector Synopsis

    The Aelys Sector, seated in the Segmentum Solar, is home to a myriad of unique worlds currently being created and expanded. While within the confines of Solar proper, it rests close to the borders of Segmentum Obscuras and has long existed as a trade route. Heavy industrial activity has seen a great swath of worlds mined to obscurity by the sector forgeworlds, most famous of all being the Glassworlds Subsector (including Auros-II, Alactra, and Veridus).
    Most famous and known by the Navis Nobilite for being the convergence nexus of the Imperio-Prognostician Leyline, the sector is coveted for it's multiple stable warp routes and relative lack of intrusive warp activity.

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