Monday, February 11, 2013

Creating a Sector: The World of Curicosa

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    Curicosa, once a moderately civilized world fallen to barely above feudal status, harbors many dark secrets beneath the vein of Imperial trappings. Outside the gates of Halon degenerate tribes eek out their existence against the cold and temperamental weather of the world while the Occoviria of the City-State plot their inevitable destruction. Local auguries have predicted the two great leaders of the opposed peoples will meet, and in that meeting, decide the fate of their world when the 'hammer strikes'.
    This planetary settings evokes the classical civilized versus savage diaspora. Gamemasters can tailor the factions as they see fit - Carydas Bellum could be the corrupter, bastardizing the Imperial Creed into something dark and venomous, or she could be the exemplar of the lights return. Ahina the Beast Queen, likewise, can be used as the noble-savage, leading her people only in retaliation and protection of their families. Or perhaps it she who has been claimed by the wisps of the warp, promising ever greater and glorious battles.

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