Thursday, May 3, 2012


Ghouls and Goblins of every age
Wouldn't you like to escape this dungeon stage?
Come to us and share your brain
You'll lose your head in Gallowsbane!
This is Gallowsbane, This Gallowsbane! 

Dire rats scream in the dead of night!
This is Gallowsbane, everybody hit the floor
Take a seat 'til the necromancers makes you die!
It's our town, it's our pain 
In our town of Gallowsbane!

    Gallowsbane is a prominent town within the realm of S'vara and is lead by the (lack of) foresight by Lord Gallo. Long decayed, the domain is home blackened fields under perpetually grey and orange tinted skies; a pride of the realm. It became most famous as the birth of the holiday, 'Gallo's Eve', where citizens of the S'varan empire race out at midnight to catch burning skulls strung on undead livestock, or lacking any suitable donations paper-mache replicas. This practice bears it's origin after a most unfortunate incident that occurred long ago in Gallowsbane.

     Lord Gallo was once a prominent general of the Undying Legion, and deciding it was his time to retire, took to horse raising as a past time on the fields he was awarded for his service. After a few centuries he grew restless and determined to breed a new stock of horse with the use of fel arcanic magic. Unwilling to hear the cautionary warnings of the necromancers under his command, Lord Gallo recklessly began to fiddle with powers beyond his control and in a freak accident, sent his head spiraling into the ethereal realm. Or the realm of daemons. None are really sure.

    What everyone in Gallowsbane is sure of, however, is that every year to the date of his accident, his head erupts through the skies ablaze with fire. It randomly ricochets across the horizon, much to Gallo's detriment, and every year huge crowds form ready to catch it. None have been successful so far, despite promises by the lord of rewards both in goods and honor. 

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