Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Creature Feature: Umbra

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Today I introduce a hopefully running set of articles, Creature Feature, where I explore the common and weird beasts and monsters of the 41st millennium. These creations focus on the monsters that have no place in a codex proper, but would be fine additions as local or random threats on the battlefield. With each article I'll present rules for both Warhammer 40,000 and Dark Heresy (if either are non-existent), and some suggestions on how to use them in your day to day games. To kick it off I provide you with rules for the Umbra; the spherical black balls of doom. 

The only known source of information about these guys can be found in Xenology, an out-of-print book published by the Black Library. They are drawn to sources of Empyrean energy and can become quite hostile if provoked. Possessing the ability to manipulate and solidify unlit areas into lethal weapons, these seemingly sub-intelligent pests can become alarmingly deadly and cause massive fear in any sentient. Truly, an entity that can use even the shadows in one's retinas as a weapon deserves that dreadful respect.

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