Sunday, April 29, 2012

Incoming: Blood Furnace of Amaybeth

Blood Furnace of Amaybeth
A Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Campaign by Messiahcide

    Amaybeth is deified. The seven districts tell tales of him. Few know the truth. He was mortal once. However, his contempt for humanity drove him to create the undying legion. The world heaved and trembled at his command until all fell under his shadows grasp. Now, two millennium later the Festival of Tattered Fates draws near. Amaybeth's blood lords look forward to the unmissable event, and is shunned by all others. Known gloriously as the Grand Carnival of Blood or the Passing of the Black Star, it is a now legendary celebration that occurs erratically upon the whim of Amaybeth every five or six decades when the stars are right. The sun of the world always is blotted by a prolonged eclipsed. Slaves from the seven districts arrive at the promenade of arenas to compete for their patrons pleasure, their spilt blood fated to serve as auguries for the cruel lord-anthropomancers.
The tentative map as of April 30th

    Yet, a young child destined for the infamous blood furnace has defied her fate. During the blood moon of the Cycle of the Lamented King, There would be only one possible outcome for her- eternal damnation. Each offering to the Festival were divinely marked, and no substitutions would do; and so, the Lifeseekers have been sent to rein in the bleeder before she could escape into the S'varan territories and spread fear and hysteria among the common dead.

Blood Furnace of Amaybeth is a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 campaign I am currently developing. It will be a world where the undead live idyllic lives in their glominious kingdom. Most are not aware of the travesties being performed on the living. In fact, most believe 'bleeders' to be a myth to scare the flesh gholams and abominations. Stay tuned for more!   


  1. An intriguing concept Messiah! A query though. If the living are coming in from the seven districts, how are they not spotted by the common undead? Are the living confined to one relatively small area, secretly transported or something else?

    1. I intend to go into more detail in this later, but the basic idea is that the seven districts are small preserves. A governor of sorts manages the domain, and those stationed there are drawn from the ranks of the trusted - retired members of the Undying Legion, the infamous Lifeseekers, and members of High Ranking members of the Royal Apothecarion.

      During transportation to S'vara's capital the human stock is garbed in white robes and silver masks to hide their origin from the common undead. They are transported openly - but slyly. Most of the citizens of the undead nation believe the white uniform and silver masks to be a time honored garb (and a somewhat prestigious one) to the selected sacrifices for the high lords.
